






CFNS organizes task forces to focus on, or support, the academic community, Congress, the media, and other establishments and professionals where intelligence and national security issues are in play. These task forces work in teams drawn from CFNS’s citizen members who choose to become active in combating specific dangers posed by radical Islam and other extremist ideologies. They are educated and enabled to undertake research projects which promise to offer enormous resources for individuals and organizations on the ground working daily to resist the threats to our country from issues that include, rogue nations, militant Islam, border security, cyberterrorism, and domestic and foreign terrorism.

Our task forces are formed to conduct research. Unlike the numerous sources of implications, innuendos, gossip, blog talk, unconnected dots – and the like – our ultimate objective is to become the paramount repository of universally available credible, factual and irrefutable data on key components of the militant Islamist movement.

While one might think that this material is already available – it isn’t! Not with the depth we are seeking. For one thing, if our intelligence community perchance has it, it is classified and not accessible to others in the public and private sectors. Furthermore, government departments and agencies are not even allowed by law to investigate the types of matters, or ask the kind of questions in their research, that we have in mind. But, as private citizens, we have no such restrictions. And, most significantly, individuals and organizations neither have, nor can they afford, the people they need to do this research. But we have them – our concerned members!

We assemble and organize teams, with team leaders, who will work under our supervision to assemble the pieces. We show team members what to do, how to do it, and monitor their progress. They may put in as much time as they like, anywhere from a few hours a week to “endless” if they become fascinated by what they discover – which we think will often be the case.

Once we have compiled this treasure-trove of persuasive evidence, we will offer it to those who need it most: prosecutors, law enforcement officials, media reporters, judges, congressional staffs, college professors, government at all levels, think tanks, public school administrators – the list is endless. CFNS members can be part of creating these resources in the comfort of their own home or office, usually with their own computer, at times most convenient for them.

Task Force 1

  1. Rare Earth Elements (REE)
    1. Why are they important to our economy.
    2. Why China is dominant.
    3. How the U.S. can catch up.
    4. What policy changes are recommended.

  1. Examine Florida K-12 public school programs to determine the extent of Islamic influence on curricula, student clubs, joint school/community projects, etc.
    1. Learn the process for how books are selected.
    2. See who is on the boards for choosing the books.
    3. Determine the book selection criteria.
    4. Find out the names of publishing companies and organizations which provide deliberately biased books and teaching materials regarding the Middle East.
    5. Find out names and backgrounds of administrators and teachers responsible for initiating, promoting or influencing Islamic student groups.
    6. Identify relationships between Islamic student clubs and groups, and Islamic community organizations.