Our Story
CFNS fills a vital need. With its people, contacts and experiences in the intelligence and national security arenas, and its concept of two-way dialogue with its members, it offers an efficient forum and format that bring the general public into the national security mix.
Concerned citizens interested in education on extremism, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction have before them a seemingly wide array of sources via the Internet. Unfortunately, access to this virtually inexhaustible fountain of information often provides them with an understanding that is highly distorted and, many times, completely incorrect. This problem stems from the unfiltered and opinion-oriented nature of much of the data posted in cyberspace. It is compounded by the huge number of so-called “9/12” terrorism “gurus” who appeared after 9/11. These self-proclaimed experts are largely gadflies who saw a quick path to financial enrichment, or who were trying to create for themselves a reputation in a new growth industry.
What We Do
In stark contrast, CFNS’s organizers and advisors are academic, scientific, intelligence, counter terrorism and defense experts who were involved in their respective fields decades before the 9/11 attacks on America. Their expertise ranges from the entire chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) spectrum – to counterterrorism from intelligence, military, legal (criminal & civil), historical, tactical and policy perspectives – to issues of extremism within K-12 schools, colleges and universities. They are long-term practitioners in their specialties who have conducted training for over 10,000 law enforcement, military and analytical personnel at local, state, federal and corporate levels, and for the private sector, nationwide. Recognized as experts in their fields, CFNS’s leaders have testified before congressional committees and regularly appear on national media. They are extensively quoted in the press and have published widely.
Our Mission & Approach
The expert-based, nonpartisan and objective information provided to all CFNS members represents an enormous value-added to their understanding of the strategic and tactical threats currently confronting our nation. For those who choose to become proactive, it undoubtedly enhances the role they may play in ensuring our long-term survival, our collective culture, and the inheritance we pass along to those who follow us.
A Letter From The Chairman
Americans are blessed to live in a great and successful country, protected by two major oceans and “friendly” neighbors. As a result, Americans have little understanding of our enemies, foreign and domestic. I believe that Americans are decent “good” people who do not comprehend in general the “evil” that abounds from countries that don’t believe in the rights of human beings and the pursuit of freedom of thought, speech and lifestyle. Americans have also been subjected to massive propaganda and misinformation from from unchecked media and social media, thereby confusing them as to good vs. evil and friend vs. foe.
The role of Citizens For National Security (CFNS) is to educate Americans to the enormity of the challenges facing our country. America is under attack from the totalitarians, the Islamists, and the globalists. Yet America has no strategy to defend itself and push back, and defeat our enemies. We need to upgrade the quality of our national security strategy.
CFNS’ role is to inform our citizens, national security advisors, and political leaders. To this end, we hold 5 in-person national security seminars in Boca Raton, Florida every winter season. We hold monthly, “Ask The Chairman Anything,” webinars. We post 5 articles daily to help inform and educate our 450,000 Facebook followers and we send out our weekly newsletter National Security Weekly Review.
As Chairman, I write 1-2 national security articles per month, with accompanying 2 minute videos. I also personally meet with and talk to 100 politicians annually. My key message is that our leaders have a direct responsibility to protect the Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness for all Americans. I also provide them with the policies to implement this ideal, which the Founders gifted to America through the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence, which “We the People,” must preserve at all costs.

Kenneth Abramowitz
Chairman, CFNS