by | Feb 10, 2023

Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is the author of “The Multifront War

Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, President, American Center for Democracy (ACD)

See the sources for this article and more research in the Additional Reading section

“Never Give An Inch” is the title of Mike Pompeo’s excellent new book. The former Secretary of State and head of the CIA describes his four years of hard work in the Trump Administration, which were always dedicated to defending America’s interests, and never appeasing its enemies. Indeed, all U.S. Administrations should internalize the principles laid out in Mr. Pompeo’s book.

We at CFNS take this opportunity to enumerate specific examples of when no compromise is possible, when America and its allies must “Never Give an Inch”:

1) The Biden administration should sanction China for violating U.S. sovereignty and for spying on multiple fronts. These should be tough enough to force China to stop its plan to economically take over the world in 2049, the one-hundredth anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) .

2) America should remain tough on Iran until it publicly apologizes for preaching “Death To America.” It must unilaterally dismantle its nuclear weapons program. It must renounce its plans to take over the world and convert everyone to its version of Islam (Shi’a).

3) Our southern and northern borders must be closed to prevent the ongoing and growing invasion from 160 countries annually by 3-5 million illegal migrants, including criminals, drug smugglers, and terrorists.

4) We must demonstrate zero tolerance for child abuse and outlaw sex transitions and female genital mutilation.

5) We must have zero tolerance for antisemitic and anti-Christian behavior and policies.

6) America must reverse the politicization of its universities that adopted socialist, communist, Islamist, globalist, and other ‘woke’ theories.

7) The American military must purge itself of socialist racists who use CRT (critical race theory) indoctrination, thus impairing the readiness of its troops.

8) In Europe, the EU must meet its obligation to its 27 country members by closing all EU borders to the Muslim invasion from Africa and the Middle East.

9) The EU must end its systemic antisemitic and anti-Christian behavior by protecting synagogues and churches from vandalism and attacks.

10) The EU must protect its citizens from freezing by developing all energy sources to offset the loss of Russian natural gas and oil.

11) The Israeli government should be much tougher in deterring Iranian and Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) terror attacks.

12) Israel should not tolerate a Palestinian state, which would inevitably be taken over by Iran and present an existential threat to the Jewish state.

13) Israel must totally control Area C, which represents 60% of Judea/Samaria, including all of Jerusalem, as agreed in the Oslo accords.

14) Israel must purge communist, ‘woke’, anti-Israel teachers from its schools and universities.

15) The new Israeli government must curb the excessive power of the unelected Supreme Court and its stranglehold over the judiciary, the elected Prime Minister, and Knesset. Such a power grab is unparalleled among western democracies.

Currently, the United States and our democratic allies are grossly mismanaged, failing to protect the Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness of their citizens. “We The People” expect and demand better! We must ‘Never Give An Inch’!


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